HTML5 Proprietary Audio and Video on Linux

HTML5 “proprietary” audio and video includes all media types that are patented, such as MP4 (H.264/AAC). Under Linux, Vivaldi requires a suitable, third-party library to play these.

Ubuntu Installation

If you use Ubuntu, you can install a suitable package as follows:

  1. Start a “Terminal”
  2. Issue the following command: sudo apt update && sudo apt install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra
  3. Restart Vivaldi

This is primarily written for guide for Vivaldi stable. If you are running Vivaldi snapshots and continue to encounter issues please read this.

Testing You can then test video support on this page and audio support on this page.

Alternative installation options A more complete guide, with options for other distros, can be found here. If you are using a Raspberry Pi, refer to the relevant section of the Raspberry Pi tips page.

Websites using Encrypted Media Extensions To use DRM protected media services like Netflix, HBO and Amazon Prime, you will also need to ensure that the Widevine library is installed.